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PIC16F628 Timer Reloj Digital

Este temporizador de reloj utiliza un microcontrolador PIC16F628 para mostrar 3 y el tiempo de 1/2 dígitos y controlar una carga externa. Puede ser programado para tiempo de 1 a 59 minutos. El reloj incluye un calendario con año bisiesto y ajustes opcionales de verano. La salida del temporizador se puede ajustar de 1 a 59 minutos y de forma manual encendido y apagado. El reloj también tiene una función de corrección que permite a un segundo adicional que se añade cada tantas horas para compensar un oscilador ligeramente ejecuta lentamente. El oscilador utiliza un cristal de reloj común 32,768 KHz y la frecuencia puede ajustarse ligeramente con el condensador de 24pF en el lado derecho del cristal.


 ;------------Program Listing, Clock.asm - REV 1 - 11/08/06 ---------

 LIST P=16F628   ; Device number (PIC16F628)

 ERRORLEVEL -224 ; suppress annoying message because of tris
 ERRORLEVEL -302 ; suppress message because of page change

;--------------------- Configuration ---------------------------------

_BODEN_OFF             equ     H'3FBF' ; Brown out detection off
_CP_OFF                equ     H'3FFF' ; Code protection off
_PWRTE_ON              equ     H'3FF7' ; Power-on reset enabled
_WDT_OFF               equ     H'3FFB' ; Watch dog timer off
_LVP_OFF               equ     H'3F7F' ; Low Voltage programming off
_INTRC_OSC_NOCLKOUT    equ     H'3FFC' ; Use Internal RC Oscillator
_MCLRE_OFF             equ     H'3FDF' ; Use RA5 as functional input


;--------------------- Define Variables -------------------------------

INDF                   equ     00h
FSR                    equ     04h
CMCON                  equ     1Fh     ; Comparator Control Address
INTCON                 equ     0Bh     ; Interrupt control register
OPTION_REG             equ     81h     ; Option register
STATUS                 equ     03h     ; Status register
TRISA                  equ     85h     ; I/O control for port A
TRISB                  equ     86h     ; I/O control for port B
PORTB                  equ     06h     ; Address of port B
PORTA                  equ     05h     ; Address of port A
PC                     equ     02h     ; Program counter
COUNTER                equ     20h     ; Addresses 20H-7FH = general RAM

HOURS                  equ     21h     ; These 20 addresses for display
MINUTES                equ     22h
HOURS_A                equ     23h
MINUTES_A              equ     24h
MONTH                  equ     25h
DAYS                   equ     26h
WEEKDAY                equ     27h
SECONDS                equ     28h
AMPM_A                 equ     29h
TIMER_LIMIT            equ     2ah
AMPM                   equ     2bh
DAYLIGHT               equ     2ch
YEAR                   equ     2dh
CORRECTION             equ     2eh

TEMP                   equ     35h     ; Value passed to Digits routine
TENS                   equ     36h     ; Value returned from Digits routine
TEMPW                  equ     37h     ; Used in interrupt to save w
SWITCH                 equ     38h     ; Value returned from switches

STATUS_SAVE            equ     39h     ; Interrupt (save status)
TEMP1                  equ     3ah     ; Part of delay routine
ALARM                  equ     3bh     ; Alarm on/off (bit 7 set =on)
; BLANK                equ     3ch     ; Not used
LIMIT                  equ     3dh     ; Increments every hour to (correction)
TEMP_SAVE              equ     3eh     ; Saves a copy of TEMP
TIMER                  equ     3fh
AMPM_LED               equ     40h

;--------------------- Program Starts here --------------------------

           goto        INIT

;--------------------- Interrupt routine to update time -------------

           org         0x04
           movwf       TEMPW           ; Save w
           swapf       STATUS,0        ; Get status register into w
           movwf       STATUS_SAVE     ; Save status register
           bcf         STATUS,5        ; Go to bank 0 (00)
           incf        SECONDS,f       ; Advance seconds

           movlw       d'60'
           xorwf       SECONDS,0
           btfss       STATUS,2        ; Check for 60 seconds
           goto        Done            ; Jump out if not 60
           clrf        SECONDS
           incf        MINUTES,f

           call        Alarm
           movlw       d'60'
           xorwf       MINUTES,0
           btfss       STATUS,2        ; Check for 60 minutes
           goto        Done            ; Jump out if not 60
           clrf        MINUTES
           incf        HOURS,f

           call        Daylight
           call        Add_Second      ; Compensate for slow oscillator

           movlw       d'13'
           xorwf       HOURS,0
           btfss       STATUS,2        ; Check for 13 hours
           goto        Noon            ; Jump out if not 13
           clrf        HOURS
           incf        HOURS,f         ; Set hours to 1:00

           movlw       d'12'
           xorwf       HOURS,0
           btfss       STATUS,2        ; Check for 12 hours
           goto        Done            ; Jump out if not 12

           incf        AMPM,f
           bcf         AMPM,1          ; Clear Bit 1 to stop overflow
           btfsc       AMPM,0          ; AM = Bit 0 clear
           Goto        Done

           incf        DAYS,f
           movfw       MONTH
           call        Table
           xorwf       DAYS,0          ; Check for Days = Limit
           btfss       STATUS,2
           goto        WeekDay

           clrf        DAYS
           incf        DAYS,f
           incf        MONTH,f
           movlw       d'13'
           xorwf       MONTH,0
           btfss       STATUS,2        ; Check for new year
           goto        WeekDay
           clrf        MONTH
           incf        MONTH,f
           incf        YEAR,f
           movlw       d'5'
           xorwf       YEAR,0
           btfss       STATUS,2
           goto        WeekDay
           clrf        YEAR
           incf        YEAR,f
           incf        WEEKDAY,f
           movlw       d'8'
           xorwf       WEEKDAY,0
           btfss       STATUS,2        ; Check for new week
           goto        Leap
           clrf        WEEKDAY
           incf        WEEKDAY,f       ; Set weekday to 1 = Sunday
           movlw       d'2'
           xorwf       MONTH,0
           btfss       STATUS,2
           goto        Done
           movlw       d'29'
           xorwf       DAYS,0
           btfss       STATUS,2
           goto        Done
           movlw       d'4'
           xorwf       YEAR,0
           btfsc       STATUS,2
           goto        Done
           movlw       d'3'
           movwf       MONTH
           clrf        DAYS
           incf        DAYS,f
           bcf         INTCON,2
           swapf       STATUS_SAVE,0
           movwf       STATUS
           swapf       TEMPW,f
           swapf       TEMPW,0

;--------------------- End Interrupt Procedure ----------------------

INIT ;     Initialize variables

           bsf         STATUS,5       ; Select memory bank 1 (01)
           bcf         STATUS,6       ; Select memory bank 1 (01)
           movlw       b'00000000'
           movwf       TRISB          ; Set port B as output
           movlw       b'01110000'    ;
           movwf       TRISA          ; Set port A as output, RA4,5,6=Input
           bsf         OPTION_REG,5   ; Select Timer0 (TOCS=1)
           bcf         OPTION_REG,3   ; Assign prescaler to timer0
           bcf         OPTION_REG,0   ; Set prescaler to 128
           bcf         STATUS,5       ; Reset to bank 0
           bcf         STATUS,0       ; Clear carry bit
           bcf         STATUS,2       ; Clear zero flag
           bcf         STATUS,1       ;
           bsf         INTCON,5       ; Enable timer0 interrupt
           bcf         INTCON,2       ; Clear interrupt flag
           bsf         INTCON,7       ; Enable global interrupt
           movlw       07h
           movwf       CMCON          ; Comparators off

           movlw       d'2'
           movwf       HOURS          ; Initialize hours to 2
           movlw       d'56'
           movwf       MINUTES        ; Inititlize minutes to 56

           movlw       d'6'
           movwf       HOURS_A        ; Initialize alarm hours to 6
           movlw       d'30'
           movwf       MINUTES_A

           movlw       d'3'
           movwf       MONTH          ; Initialize Month to March, 7
           movlw       d'7'
           movwf       DAYS

           movlw       d'1'
           movwf       WEEKDAY        ; Initialize weekday to Sunday (1)
           clrf        SECONDS

           clrf        AMPM           ; Initialize AMPM to AM
           movlw       d'45'
           movwf       TIMER_LIMIT    ; Initialize alarm timer to 45
           clrf        AMPM_A
           clrf        DAYLIGHT       ; Turn off daylight savings time

           movlw       d'2'
           movwf       YEAR           ; Set year to 2 (Leap year=4)
           movlw       d'18'
           movwf       CORRECTION     ; Add 1 second every 18 hours

           clrf        ALARM          ; Turn off alarm
           clrf        TIMER
           clrf        LIMIT
           clrf        AMPM_LED

           movlw       h'21'
           movwf       FSR            ; Address pointer points to Hours
           movlw       d'15'
           movwf       SWITCH

           goto        Main

Array                               ; Data for 7 segment digits
           addwf       PC,1
           retlw       b'01000000'  ; "0"
           retlw       b'01111001'  ; "1"
           retlw       b'00100100'  ; "2"
           retlw       b'00110000'  ; "3"
           retlw       b'00011001'  ; "4"
           retlw       b'00010010'  ; "5"
           retlw       b'00000010'  ; "6"
           retlw       b'01111000'  ; "7"
           retlw       b'00000000'  ; "8"
           retlw       b'00010000'  ; "9"

Table                               ; Days per month plus 1
           addwf       PC,1
           retlw       d'00'  ; Unused line
           retlw       d'32'  ; Jan
           retlw       d'30'
           retlw       d'32'
           retlw       d'31'
           retlw       d'32'  ; May
           retlw       d'31'
           retlw       d'32'
           retlw       d'32'
           retlw       d'31'
           retlw       d'32'
           retlw       d'31'
           retlw       d'32'  ; December

Main    ; ------------ Main Loop ----------------------

           call        Display      ; Display data
           call        Read_Port    ; Check for switch closed

           movlw       d'14'        ; Check for time switch closed
           xorwf       SWITCH,0
           btfss       STATUS,2
           goto        Set_Time
           movlw       h'21'
           movwf       FSR

           movlw       d'46'        ; Check for time switch and RA5 closed
           xorwf       SWITCH,0
           btfss       STATUS,2
           goto        Increment_Display
           movlw       h'21'
           movwf       FSR


           movlw       d'13'
           xorwf       SWITCH,0
           btfss       STATUS,2
           goto        Function        ; Function key not hit (13)
           call        Wait            ; Wait for switch to open
           call        Increment_Pointer

           movlw       d'45'
           xorwf       SWITCH,0
           btfss       STATUS,2
           goto        Increment_100s  ; Function key not hit (13)
           call        Wait            ; Wait for switch to open
           call        Increment_Pointer

Increment_100s   ;     On plus RA5 = 32 + 11 = 43

           movlw       d'43'
           xorwf       SWITCH,0
           btfss       STATUS,2
           goto        Increment_10s
           call        Wait

           incf        INDF,f
           movlw       d'13'          ; Rollover at 12
           xorwf       INDF,0
           btfsc       STATUS,2
           clrf        INDF

Increment_10s                         ; RA5 + alarm off = 39

           movlw       d'39'
           xorwf       SWITCH,0
           btfss       STATUS,2
           goto        Alarm_Toggle
           call        Wait
           incf        FSR,f
           incf        INDF,f
           movlw       d'60'           ; Rollover at 60
           xorwf       INDF,0
           btfsc       STATUS,2
           clrf        INDF

           movlw       h'28'           ; Check for Seconds display
           xorwf       FSR,0
           btfsc       STATUS,2
           clrf        SECONDS         ; Zero seconds
           decf        FSR,f


           movlw       d'7'            ; Alarm Off
           xorwf       SWITCH,0
           btfsc       STATUS,2
           bcf         ALARM,7
           movlw       d'11'           ; Alarm On
           xorwf       SWITCH,0
           btfss       STATUS,2
           goto        Main
           bsf         ALARM,7
           clrf        TIMER
           goto        Main

;--------------------- End of Main Loop ------------------------------

Output                                 ; Write data to port B
           call        Array
           iorwf       ALARM,0
           movwf       PORTB

Delay   ;------------------------ Delay ---- about 600 uS ------------

           movlw       d'25'
           movwf       TEMP1
Delay_1    movwf       COUNTER
Delay_2    decfsz      COUNTER,f
           goto        Delay_2
           decfsz      TEMP1,f
           goto        Delay_1

Digits ; Converts value in TEMP to 2 single digits  - TENS and TEMP

           clrf        TENS
           movlw       d'10'
           incf        TENS,f
           subwf       TEMP,f
           btfss       STATUS,0
           goto        Ones
           goto        Loop
           decf        TENS,f
           addwf       TEMP,f
Read_Port                             ; Look to see if switch is closed
           movlw       d'127'
           movwf       PORTA
           iorwf       ALARM,0        ; add alarm bit
           movwf       PORTB          ; Set port B to high level
           bsf         STATUS,5       ; Select bank 1 (01)
           movlw       b'01111111'
           movwf       TRISA          ; Set port A as input, RA7=output
           movlw       b'00111111'
           movwf       TRISA          ; Set RA6 to output
           bcf         STATUS,5       ; Return to bank 0 (00)
           bcf         PORTA,6        ; Low level on RA6
           movlw       d'10'
           call        Delay_0        ; Wait
           movfw       PORTA          ; Read the pins
           movwf       SWITCH
           bsf         STATUS,5       ; Select Bank 1
           movlw       b'01111111'
           movwf       TRISA          ; Set port A to input
           movlw       b'01110000'
           movwf       TRISA          ; Set porta,0,1,2,3 to output
           bcf         STATUS,5       ; Return to Bank 0
           movlw       b'00101111'    ; RA5 is normally 0
           andwf       SWITCH,f       ; Switch returns value 0 to 47

           incf        TIMER,f
           movfw       TIMER_LIMIT    ; Default is 45 minutes
           xorwf       TIMER,0
           btfsc       STATUS,2
           bcf         ALARM,7
           movfw       HOURS
           xorwf       HOURS_A,0
           btfss       STATUS,2
           movfw       MINUTES
           xorwf       MINUTES_A,0
           btfss       STATUS,2
           movfw       AMPM
           xorwf       AMPM_A,0
           btfss       STATUS,2
           bsf         ALARM,7
           clrf        TIMER

           incf        LIMIT,f
           movfw       CORRECTION
           xorwf       LIMIT,0
           btfss       STATUS,2
           incf        SECONDS,f
           clrf        LIMIT

Daylight  ;----------------------- Daylight savings adjustment

           btfss       DAYLIGHT,0  ; Bit 0 set = Daylight enabled

           movlw       d'1'        ; Check for Sunday
           xorwf       WEEKDAY,0
           btfss       STATUS,2

           movlw       d'3'        ; Adjust daylight at 3AM
           xorwf       HOURS,0
           btfss       STATUS,2

           btfsc       AMPM,0      ; Adjust daylight if AM

           movlw       d'3'
           xorwf       MONTH,0
           btfss       STATUS,2
           goto        MinusHour
           btfss       DAYS,3      ; Bit 3 must be set for 2nd Sunday
           btfsc       DAYLIGHT,1  ; Bit 1 set = Correction done (March)
           incf        HOURS,f
           bsf         DAYLIGHT,1  ; Correction done

MinusHour  ;---------- Subtract 1 hour on 1st Sunday in November

           movlw       d'11'
           xorwf       MONTH,0
           btfss       STATUS,2
           btfss       DAYLIGHT,1  ; Bit 1 set = Do Correction
           decf        HOURS,f
           bcf         DAYLIGHT,1  ; Bit 1 clear = Correction done

Display   ; -------------------- Display Data -----------------------

           clrf        AMPM_LED     ; AMPM off
           movlw       h'21'
           xorwf       FSR,0
           btfss       STATUS,2
           goto        $ +3
           btfsc       AMPM,0
           bsf         AMPM_LED,7   ; Add AMPM light (time)

           movlw       h'23'
           xorwf       FSR,0
           btfss       STATUS,2
           goto        $ +3
           btfsc       AMPM_A,0
           bsf         AMPM_LED,7   ; Add AMPM light (alarm)

           movfw       INDF         ; Get 100s data
           movwf       TEMP
           call        Digits

           btfss       TENS,0
           goto        Ones_Hours

           movfw       TENS         ; Light 10s Hours LED
           call        Output
           movlw       d'14'
           iorwf       AMPM_LED,0   ; Add AMPM light if time or alarm
           movwf       PORTA
           call        Delay
           movfw       TEMP
           call        Output
           movlw       d'13'
           iorwf       AMPM_LED,0   ; Add AMPM light if time or alarm
           movwf       PORTA
           call        Delay

           incf        FSR,f
           movfw       INDF
           movwf       TEMP
           call        Digits

           movfw       TENS
           call        Output
           movlw       d'11'
           iorwf       AMPM_LED,0   ; Add AMPM light if time or alarm
           movwf       PORTA
           call        Delay

           movfw       TEMP
           call        Output
           movlw       d'7'
           iorwf       AMPM_LED,0   ; Add AMPM light if time or alarm
           movwf       PORTA
           call        Delay
           decf        FSR,f


Wait                                ; Wait until switches are open

           call        Display
           call        Read_Port
           movlw       d'15'        ; Switches open in run mode
           xorwf       SWITCH,0
           btfsc       STATUS,2
           movlw       d'47'        ; Switches open in program mode
           xorwf       SWITCH,0
           btfsc       STATUS,2
           goto        Wait


           incf        FSR,f           ; Increment Pointer 2 steps
           incf        FSR,f
           movlw       h'2f'
           xorwf       FSR,0
           btfss       STATUS,2
           movlw       h'21'
           movwf       FSR             ; Set Pointer to Time display


————————-Compiled HEX code ————————–



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